Friday, May 10, 2013

Being Well Organized

When it comes to organizing a workspace, relaxation and comfort aren't the primary goals. Work is about efficiency and productivity. ... The more neat and logically organized your workspace is, the better you will be at your job."
Peter Walsh  ~

I used to work with someone whose desk was literally covered from top to bottom in papers. I made a comment one day that if his desk was more organized that he would be so much more productive.  He quickly pointed out that he knew where everything was, as it was his "organized chaos".  Ok I had to give him credit at least he was right.  Whenever I asked him for anything he was able to locate it instantly.   That being said, could you imagine how much more productive he would be if his desk was tidier and not as messy?

Let's face it sometimes I can be a bit of a neat freak.  Sometimes I am a bit of a slob.  I waiver between being both.  There has to be some middle ground doesn't there?  We all have junk drawers, junk storage areas and what have you.  I don't claim to be the picture perfect organizer.  I do wish I could get things more organized in my house and my workspace.  Organization shows that you have an eye for details.  It let's people know that you have it all together.  That you're on the ball.

I dislike it when there is something that I need and I have to tear my house apart to look for it.  If I had only put it back where it belonged in the first place, I wouldn't find myself in this awful predicament.  Meanwhile I'm making more a mess digging thru everything in my hasty search. 

Being organized makes it way easier too when you have guests coming over.  You're not running around trying to clean and tidy at the same time.

There are so many tools these days that help to keep yourself organized.  I love surfing Pinterest and seeing every one's organization skills at their finest.

OK why just limit to the workplace.  What else could use an overhaul?  My jewellery is the worst.  I could only wish that my jewellery drawer looked like this one.

I remember seeing years ago something that someone had pinned up in our kitchen at work.  It totally made sense.  Although we never did figure out who put that up in the kitchen....nobody ever removed it, we all thought it was great!

This is it!!! I vow to you my loyal Blog followers that I will be more organized and neat and tidy!

Where shall I start???? lol I'll keep you posted!!

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