Saturday, April 26, 2014

Red Carpet Manicure - UPDATE week 1

Well it will officially be one week tomorrow since I did my manicure with the Red Carpet LED kit.  I am pleasantly surprised at how well it held up.

My hands are always in water.  I count mounds of cash all day at work so I'm always washing my hands.  I have dogs in my life and I am obsessed with always having clean hands!  I type a lot and I am generally pretty hard on my nails every day.

You can see more of my nails at the cuticle beds but a lot of that is because my nails grow very fast.  A lot of this is due to growth.

From this picture on the left you can see that the polish is starting to peel away.  But truth be told I didn't do a fantastic job on this nail.  It seemed a lot thicker than the other nails.  I didn't control the amount of polish properly when I first applied the color.  The instructions state that you have to apply a thin layer.  I might have been a bit heavy handed on this one.

Another tip too is that you have to get the complete nail.  When I originally painted this I didn't apply the color nor the top coat all the way down both sides and the front/tip of the nail.

You can see from the picture (left) that it is chipping off at the tip.

The other nails where I made sure to paint the color and top quote all the way down the nail and both sides, seem to be holding up way better.

Overall I am very happy with this manicure.  It is no means done professionally and you can only tell that by the spots that I messed up on!  And the parts where the cotton remnants were stuck too!  My friend was shocked when I told her that I did it myself using a kit from the drugstore!

Let's see what happens next week!  Stay tuned!!

*if you have any products or ideas that you would like me to review, feel free to pop me a line*

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