Thursday, March 13, 2014

Is Your Networking Paying Off?

Like a lot of people these days, I am out there networking.  I belong to a few network groups each of them for various reasons and different groups.  I belong to groups to  help promote our Boxer Rescue, and I belong to groups that help promote my Scentsy business.

Last night I was at one of my monthly group meetings.  I have been a part of this wonderful group for over 2 years now.  I was having a nice conversation with one of the ladies.  We had both seen each other before and we both seemed familiar with each other from other meetings but we had never ever had the proper introduction nor the chance to get to know each other.  We were finally at the same table together and enjoying our conversation.  Another lady came over who is a long time member and I have met on several occasions.  She asked me very nice and pleasantly "are you new here?".  I was surprised by the question, but I responded by saying "No I've been here for over 2 years now".  I didn't tell her that I know her full name and I also knew what she did for business.   This than got me thinking......

Is my networking working?  I spend several hours a month "out there".  I'm out there meeting new people and seeing the same familiar faces.  I have been invited to speak at several events on many occasions about my Scentsy business and our rescue. And I'm even on the committee of one of the groups.  Now I was wondering if it was all for not.

Networking is a funny thing........  How do you know if your doing it right?  I haven't really gotten a ton of business from my network groups.  I notice that people seem to favor and refer business to the other people in the network groups, and I'm intrigued by this.  How did they get people to refer business to them?  Is this because they have been going longer than me?  Or do they like them more?

They say that the 4 worst networkers are:

1. the Pusher
2. the Wandering Eye
3. the Cling On
4. the Salesman

I don't think I am any of these.  I am polite and I am not pushy.  I give everyone my full attention when they are talking and I always make eye contact.  I don't get attached to one person and follow them around and I am not always selling and being a "salesman".   There are so many do's and don'ts to networking.  Look them up on the net.  There is so many!!! 

Let's face it everyone is there for one thing and one thing only.  They are there to meet people and to promote something.  Whether it be themselves or their business.  I think a lot of it boils down to being polite and friendly.  ....ever meet any of those networker's that talk all about their themselves and their own business, yet when you chime in with what you do, they seem uninterested?  That is one of the big don'ts.

I do know that the key to networking is consistency and to get to know people.  I go to my meetings regularly as much as I can.  It's important to be seen a lot, it keeps you in the fore front of people's memories.....well it's supposed to!!  I don't expect people to refer me business right away.  I think that most people will refer you if they get to know you more.  If they like you.  This is why I spend many hours networking.

Although I don't think its a complete loss that I haven't been given a lot of business from my network groups, I do still think they are a huge benefit.  I have met some of my closest friends from these groups.  I have been learning a lot about myself and gaining so much knowledge. 

There is nothing wrong with meeting new people and expanding your horizons.  It forces you to come outside of your comfort zone.  And I am certain that one day it will pay off! 

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