Saturday, November 12, 2016

2nd Annual Buddy Drive for Kids (2016)

Last year we did a Team Buddy Drive and donated 42 Buddys to Canuck Place Children's Hospice. Thanks to my amazing Scentsy Team, we made some little ones very happy!

 We have decided to continue this tradition of Scentsy Spirit and give more than we takes.   Scentsy enables us to help the communities that we live in. This year our Team Buddy Drive will be donating to Union Gospel Mission. "UGM's mission is determined to transform communities by overcoming poverty, homelessness and addiction, one life at a time" UGM is all throughout BC but we will be giving to the kids in the Downtown Eastside of Vancouver, at the Womens & Childrens Centre. Purchase a Scentsy Buddy to donate to our drive.

  •  Feel free to share and repost this. The more Buddys we get the more kids we can get the Buddys to. 

  •  Send this out to everyone you know 

Deadline to order for this drive is Nov. 16th (to allow for pickup/shipping) as all Buddy's need to make their way to UGM by December 5th.

 *Local you can have the Buddys shipped either directly to me or to yourself, we can arrange for pickup.

 *If you live outside the Vancouver area - contact me and we can make arrangements to get your Buddy donation.

 Good luck!!! Let's get as many Buddys as we can for these amazing kids whose families are struggling. They deserve to have the comfort of a Scentsy bud!!! To learn more about UGM visit their site :

If you have any questions please ask!


Friday, November 11, 2016

Unpacking our first party order of November

Watch us unpack our first party order of November.  This is just a smaller order but our hostess still got some good stuff using her hostess credits and half price rewards.

If you are interested in hosting a party or joining my team please visit

Hosting a Scentsy party is a great way to give your Holiday gifts!

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Well hello!! Time certainly has flown by again.  Here we are and October is almost over.  So without further hesitation...........

Bring on the holiday magic! Ready or not, the season of giving is officially here. Whether you’ve begun chipping away at your shopping list or you prefer to wait until December bells start ringing, Scentsy has something for everyone!

To keep it simple, check out the Holiday Gift Guide on my website. It has tons of amazing products for every budget, so you can find the perfect gift at the perfect price! Can’t get enough of those Christmas scents? HOLIDAY BRICKS (weighing in at almost a full pound of Scentsy wax!) will be making a comeback in November.  And are back for a limited time! Don’t miss out on our yummy new fragrance: Caramel Vanilla Delight.

If you are local - don't forget to come visit us this year.  We will be at the following events:

CCRR Vendor & Craft Fair
Nov 19 at 9 AM to 3 PM
Hammond Community Centre
20601 Westfield Ave, Maple Ridge, British Columbia V2X 1L7

Panorama Christmas
Saturday, December 3 at 10 AM - 3 PM
Colebrook United Church
5441 125A Street, Surrey, British Columbia V3X 1W4
*bring toy donations for the Christmas Bureau*
Drop by and visit us!!! Its a great event in support of a good cause. There will be home made chili and soup on all day!

If you want to see anything specific at any of our events, please pop me a message and I will try to have it on hand for you to view.  

*we are booking for parties in November and still have a couple of dates open.  If you would like to host a Scentsy party to earn free and half priced items please let us know.  It's a great way to make the holiday gift giving on a budget simple and easy!* 

Happy holidays!


Friday, September 2, 2016

NEW!!! Smaller Starter Kit Available

Are you completely in love with Scentsy and want to launch a business, but the cost of the Starter Kit is holding you back?  

You are not going to want to miss out on this one this month!

Just in time for our new Fall/Winter 2016 Catalogue season, we’re offering a $59 CDN Starter Kit ($49 in USD) for new Consultants who join in September 2016. It includes all the essentials for launching a successful Scentsy business:
  • 1 Scentsy Warmer
  • 1 Scentsy Bar
  • 1 pack of Order Forms
  • 1 pack of Print-Your-Own Labels
  • 1 Fall/Winter 2016 Mini Tester Set
  • 1 Consultant Guide
  • 1 Quick-Start Guide
  • 1 pack of Fall/Winter 2016 Catalogues
  • 1 pack of Product Lists
  • 1 pack of Showcase Brochures
  • 5 samples of Laundry Liquid
  • 4 samples of Clothing Conditioner

Spread the word !!!
The Smaller Starter Kit is only available from Sept. 1-30, 2016, or while supplies last. Contents may vary. Price doesn’t include local tax and shipping. New Consultants can still choose to receive the full Starter Kit for in September.

What are you waiting for???? join now!  Just click here!!!!! 

RESCUE A BOXER - Pubnight 2016



Pubnight 2016 was a huge success and one of our best yet!  It is because of you - our donators, supporters and volunteers that we are able to continue helping the Boxers in need.  Our hearts are full and warm with the generosity and the caring we feel from each of you.  We are eternally grateful.

 Thank you from all the Boxers of RAB!!! ❤

CONGRATULATIONS to Mike Healy the winner of the Grand Prize! 
Mike wins a roundtrip flight for 2 to fly any Westjet destination.
THANK YOU MICHELLE ANTHONY and everyone at Westjet

We hope you will take the opportunity to visit the businesses and organizations that so generously support our rescue.

Amherst Vet
Aqua Paws
Barb & Alan
Barre Fitness - Port Moody
Belinda Gibson
Bill & Marilyn Booth
Burnaby Paint & Walllpaper
Cameron Martens
Carolee Gravelle
Chalkmaster Dave
Choices Market
Courtenay Marshall
Dave Hunter
Dewdney Animal
Dueck on Marine
Elizabeth Clearihue & Tyson Boychuk
En-Gage your K9
Fat Burger
Fitness Town
Fashion Addition +
Gabby Petivoka
Glenwood Labels
Halyna Vreken
2Hounds Design (freedom harness)
International House of Caviar
Iven Tse
Jennifer Saemann
Jessica Krickan
Jocelyn Vanderkuip
Julia Coulson
Kat Smyth - Squamish Mountain Medicine
Keltie Lang Trainer
Keturah Walton - Dotterra
Kevin Wong
Kim Marshall - Modern Beauty
Lauren Rebar
Linda Kenick
Lindsay Rae Meier
Lourale Houde
Mark James Group
Matt Kaiser
Memento Mori Tattoo Studios
Metro Ford
Michelle Anthony
Monique Van de plas 
Moon Under Water Brewery
Parkside Brewery
Pup Culture 
Prairie Naturals
RC Pets
Red Truck Beer
Ross Lynem
Scentsy (Jen & Julia)
Shannon & Simon Wong
Shelley Frost PNE
Sheri Bourrie
Sportscity Butchers
Sullivan Station  Cold Beer & Wine
Susan Caldbeck
Tanis Easterbrook
Think Like a Dog 
Trevor Linden & the Vancouver Canucks
Uptown Dawg 
Vanity Lab
Warner Music
West Jet
Yaletown Distilling

Thursday, June 2, 2016

sorry been absent

Sorry guys - time and things just slipped away from me.

Today I put together my final newsletter as Editor for the Valley Women's Network Evening Chapter.  Yes my term of 3 years has come to an end.  I love the VWN and have met some really amazing and wonderful ladies thru this group.  Sadly my schedule has changed and I am unable to devote as much time to the network as I have in the past.  I will miss many of the ladies but will keep in touch as our friendships and bonds are formed now and I am grateful to them all for the friendships.

If you are interested in learning more about the VWN visit their Facebook page  - click on this link

Matt & I just got back from our whirlwind trip to LA and brought 3 beautiful Boxer dogs home in tow with us.  No we are not getting another dog, we brought them back for approved adoptive homes for the rescue.

So many people are involved in a trip like this.  Our rescue "Rescue a Boxer" & our partnership with "So-Cal Boxer Rescue" helped make this happen.  But yet it takes more than just 1 or 2 people.  It takes a whole team.  We have volunteers that transport to and from the airport, volunteers who house the volunteers, volunteers who do the home visits, followups, introductions and training, vet visits, more transportation and more followups.  When you see 3 dogs it takes alot more behind the scenes than you can imagine.  For that we are grateful.  People truly do have kind hearts.  And many people volunteer just for the love of the Boxer breed.  Saving one dog won't change the world, but it will change for that one dog.

I can't tell you how much our dogs mean to us.  You all know you all follow me.  Each dog is a part of our family.  A member of our family.  They aren't "just a dog".  Anyone who says those words never really had a connection with their "dog" or any dog.  Each dog that comes into our family is different.  No I am not talking about color.  I am talking about the connection that we have to that dog.  We love all our dogs and they all hold a special place in our hearts, but once in a while you get that dog that is your heart.

We recently helped our old boy Han Solo cross to the bridge.  He was my husband's "heart dog".   I love Han too but Matt and Han had a very special type of connection.

 This dog came into our lives and taught us both so much about ourselves.  He came to us broken.  He was found abandoned, tied in a backyard without food or water.  The owner lost his home in a foreclosure and decided to leave his dog as well.   A kind neighbour found him and took him in.  Sadly that neighbour was also losing his home.  But he contacted Boxer Rescue LA and made arrangements for him to go to them.  He agreed to hold onto him till a suitable home could be found.  When I found out about his story and saw this cute adorable face.  We knew right away he was a Kaiser.  We agreed he would become a part of our pack.

As arrangements were being made the original owner surfaced after being absent for almost 3 months.  He claimed that he wanted the dog back because he had sold him to a place in Mexico.  Everything about the story screamed "Dog fighting ring" to us.  It just didn't jive.  Either way - Rescue stepped in and we got our boy.
 He came to our home broken and sad with eyes that were dark and full of fear and anger.  He would be very confused and sometimes coward when you went to pet him.  After a while he allowed us to pet him but he was very unsure and almost uncomfortable for gentle petting.  This boy was scarred.  He didn't like the rules or the boundaries we had in place.  He was great with Luke & Leia and even Matt but he certainly did not want anything to do with me.

After a couple of weeks we got Han, Matt had to go travel on business.  Han decided that he was the one in charge.  He refused to do anything I asked of him.  Even a simple sit to put on his collar he would jump up and bite me.  I was taken aback the first couple of times.  My heart was broken.  I loved this dog so much and yet he wanted to kill me every chance he could get.  I had to quickly change the rules in our home.  He needed more structure and more boundaries.
Two weeks had passed and Matt came home to a different dog.  He was more comfortable in the house and with us.  He was more loving and affectionate than before.  We weren't in the clear yet.  It was a good start he still needed work and it took 2 more years and alot of bandages on my part before he was fully integrated into our pack.

Han Solo was our boy for over 10 years.  He was Matt's shadow.  His constant friend.  He was almost 14 years old.  He is by far the oldest Boxer we have had.  Sadly Han developed Degenerative Myleopathy which is the shittiest disease ever.  Well face it they are all pretty shitty.  It's a disease that our first Boxer, Luke had.  And many other Boxers also get this.

 Degenerative myelopathy is a progressive disease of the spinal cord.  It begins with a loss of coordination in the hind limbs. The  dog will wobble when walking, knuckle over or drag the feet. This can first occur in one hind limb and then affect the other. As the disease progresses, the limbs become weak and the dog begins to buckle and has difficulty standing. The weakness gets progressively worse until the dog is unable to walk.
DM is not a painful disease.  Their mind is still very sound and functioning they just can't walk.  There is no cure for it.  No treatment.  They don't even know why dogs get it.  But it is known to be genetic.  It's horrible just watching your strong dog deteriorate before your eyes.  To learn more about DM there are many links online.  We found this one to be the most helpful
The owner wrote a blog about his dog Wrangler who had DM.  Coincedentally enough we bought Wrangler's old wheelchair on Craigslist for our boy Luke when he had DM.

Han would never use the wheelchair tho.  He hated it.  We tried him in it a few times and the last time he fell backwards and rolled down the grassy hill in our backyard.  It was awful.  We did manage to get him a pet trailer/stroller so that he was still able to come on walks with us.  He loved it!  We called it the "Millenium Falcon".

This picture was taken a few years ago, when the original crew was still with us.  We have (Left to Right) Leia, Geordi, Luke, Chewie & Han.  I imagine that this is exactly what they are doing at the bridge.  Outside enjoying a nice sunny day with the whole gang there.  We miss you all and our hearts are broken but I would do it all over again just to be with you for the short time that we were.  Truly you rescued us!

Saturday, March 19, 2016

March Warmer & Scent of the Month

Holy can you say ADORABLE????

And just cause the Garden Snail is adorable I am adding a picture of Anakin Sidewalker & Han Solo

REMEMBER Folks - if you ever wanted to join our team - we are running our super join special!  

Ask me if I'm excited!!!!

Tuesday, March 1, 2016


YAY!!! we have a new catalog!!  Welcome Spring / Summer!!!  Check it out here online  This is a direct link to my site with so many new & cool things!

Or you can view the full catalog here

AWESOME NEWS!!!  They have released a smaller starter kit for the month of March.  So if you ever thought about joining now is the time!  You can get your business started with the Escentials Kit.  Join in Canada or just $59 or in the US for $49.

You can still get the full kit for $119 (Cdn.) ($99 USD) but this month you have a choice!  What a perfect way to start your Scentsy business!!!  You could purchase the Escentials Kit now and have it paid for by next Scentsy payday!  It's that easy!  I can show you how :)

Contact me for more information or visit my site

Here is a peek at one of our new Diffusers in the new catalog.  I am posting this just because I am in love with it!! Here is the "Reflect" diffuser.  Isn't it beautiful?  That's right it's one diffuser that changes into all those different colors you see here.  Simply gorgeous!

Now for some sad news.............


We have some difficult news to share: We have decided to discontinue the Velata brand at the end of the Spring/Summer 2016 Catalog season. While this decision was a very hard one to make, it is also the right one. We would like to help you understand why, as we know you may have downline, upline, family or friends who are Velata Consultants or customers.
First of all, we love Velata -- the concept, the products, our Velata Family Creed. But surviving in the specialty food market is very challenging. Over time, as more and more retailers carry similar products, it becomes very difficult to compete and grow.

Although many Consultants' individual sales are high, the business continues to shrink as more Velata Consultants go inactive each month than join the company.
On the other hand, Scentsy is strong and growing stronger. We reimagined a new path for Scentsy in 2015, and Scentsy's new product lines -- along with flagship products like Scentsy Warmers and Scentsy Bars -- are thriving.

This is a difficult time for our friends who sell Velata. But we invite and encourage Velata and Scentsy Consultants to join together to help make Scentsy the best fragrance company and business opportunity in the world.

I will be sad to see Velata go.  But to be true to my heart, my passion is really with Scentsy.

I want to thank each and everyone of you who supported Velata with us and loved it as much as we have.  As you know Matt & I haven't sold Velata for a while now, but do love the product and use it often at home.

If you are interested in purchasing Velata products before they are discontinued, please let us know.  We would be happy to get you in touch with a consultant.  It is quite possible that Velata will be discounted over the next little while.  So if you are looking to stock up, now is probably the time.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

February 2016 Scentsy Rocks!

Adorable warmer of the month!!! Available now at 

Don't forget to check out our sale!!!  we are 10% off for most items in this catalog!  We have to make room for the new stuff!!  Spring/Summer Catalog launches March 1st.  So much FUN and NEW things!!  but wait you get a great deal now on your faves.

 And don't forget........................  we will be discontinuing a lot of our Fall Winter scents.  SO YOU WILL WANT TO STOCK UP ON YOUR FAVORITES NOW because they will be gone after this month!!!

Don't be disappointed!!! 

 February is a great time to join!!!  Well - let's face it - it's always a good time to join Scentsy!!  But February makes it extra good!! 

 contact me for any questions!!!  drop me a message

A NEW YEAR! 2016

Wow!! where did the time go?  I just realized I haven't updated anything on my blog since before Christmas.  Yea yea I have been super busy!

Christmas was a huge blur.  What a great month we had.  It was the best Scentsy month we had since we started this amazing journey 5 years ago.  Matt and I had a debt free Christmas!  That's right folks.  No credit card hangover after the holidays!

Thank you to all my friends, customers and supporters who believe in me and who support our Scentsy business.  I never would have thought in a million years that we would be direct sellers of anything let alone doing it for 5 years and loving it!

So I suppose it is a little late for a Happy New Year!  LOL  :D  well Chinese New Year is just around the corner.  So I shall say Gong Hay Fat Choy.  This is the year of the Monkey.  Not just any Monkey a Red Monkey or Fire Monkey.

"The influence of the Monkey puts everything into flux. Things will get accomplished, but largely through personal and individual efforts. Group movements, such as political upheaval or revolutions, will not make a mark during this year"
"On the individual level, do go ahead with your life. Move forward, make strides, and stretch out for what may lay ahead. The Year Of The Monkey 2016 is a time for business considered as risky, and here the seeds of unplanned success lays. Run with ideas, embrace the inventive, and don’t look back."

Sounds like this is the year of change.  This is the year that I plan on moving on things that I have been putting off far too long in my life.  I feel like this is my year.  Although I am technically a Rooster  (which is my year next year) they do predict this to be an exciting year for me!  I plan on focussing on myself and my family more.  Taking care of things and people that are important to me.  And taking care of me!  Not so much a new year's resolution but more of putting the Chinese horoscope into perspective!

I am excited to see what the year of the Fire Monkey will bring me!!  Stay tuned!!! I promise you this year will be fun and full of change!