Saturday, December 13, 2014

December's Warmer & Scent of the Month

The simple and beautiful "River Birch" compliments  any table decor during the holidays and throughout
the year.  Available now.  On sale for the month of December .-

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Are you a GOOD Listener? - no really??? are you?


What's more frustrating than speaking without being heard? We've all been there: confiding in a friend as she paws at her phone; pitching an idea to a co-worker as he interrupts with his own; telling your mom about your day as her eyes glaze over -- apparently focusing on something else much, much more interesting than you.
These situations, in the moment, can be annoying and downright hurtful. But the fact that they happen often can't be too surprising. "There's a misconception that when we hear, we listen," says Pamela Cooper, vice president of the International Listening Association, "but listening is really hard work, and it takes a great deal of concentration." No wonder our friends and family and co-workers can be lousy at it. But what about you -- are you a good listener?
"Most people are very aware that other people don't listen, but they're not nearly as aware that they themselves don't listen," says Paul Donoghue, psychologist and co-author of "Are You Really Listening? Keys to Successful Communication" with Mary Siegel. So, "don't presume you're a good listener," he says.
Be brutally honest with yourself and think about your own listening (or not-listening) behavior. You may be that colleague or sibling or friend who never really listens and not even know it! See if you have any of these poor listening habits below, or better yet, thicken your skin and ask a friend.

Distracting yourself.
Sending one little text message as your co-worker is talking sends an enormous message to her: You're not listening. And that hurts. Yes, perhaps you're hearing the other person, or you think you're getting the gist -- you're a multitasker after all! -- But are you really concentrating on what she said? Probably not. Focusing on a text message, or your Instagram feed, or that dog over there or the shopping list you need to make is telling the speaker that those things are more important than what she is saying -- Next habit: interrupting!

This bad habit is three things: Self-explanatory, rude and a sign that you're not listening.

Topping the speaker's story.
Imagine you're excitedly telling a friend about a Washington, D.C., vacation you're planning, when he decides to cut in: "I lived there for three years and have toured the National Mall a couple dozen times, and really prefer the Vietnam Memorial, though all the tourists typically opt for the Lincoln Memorial, which … " There's certainly nothing wrong with engaging in a conversation, but cutting into the speaker's story to talk about yourself is a sign you weren't digesting his or her message. With this "me too" habit, as Donoghue describes it, you're pretty much saying, "You bring me the ball, and I'll take it from you and start dribbling it," he says.

Problem finding.
Someone with this habit thinks, "I'm listening, but only enough to find a problem and fix it for you," Donoghue says. Sometimes this person is so skilled in the habit that he or she will find problems that aren't even there. "Oh, the trip to Washington is this month? Why would you go there in that summer humidity? And don't even think about cooling down in the air-conditioned museums, they're too crowded."

Becoming defensive.
If you're the topic of discussion, you might hear criticism that may or may not be there. And so we get defensive. "And when we're defending, we're not listening," Donoghue says.

Think about the last meeting, conversation or class you had. Did you display any of these habits above? Whether or not you did, know that everyone can improve his or her listening skills. And that's exactly what listening is: a monumentally important skill used in marriage, friendship, parenthood, management and just about every kind of relationship. Without listening skills, we're poor communicators, Cooper says, which is unfortunate, because she identifies communication as the "heartbeat of life." Think about the last miscommunication you had, or the last time something didn't go your way, Cooper suggests, and now think: How much of that had to do with not fully listening?

Maybe your listening skills just need a tune-up, or maybe they need an overhaul. Either way, like other skills, you need to work hard to improve your listening. "You don't just sit down and play Chopin," says Donoghue, "You have to play scales and practice, practice, practice."

Here's how to practice becoming a better listener:
Break those habits.
Now that you're aware of poor listening habits, identify when you do them -- and stop. "Even if you're mid-sentence, catch yourself. 'Here I go again, giving advice," Donoghue says, or, "'Here I go again, telling my story instead of listening to yours.'" If you're really motivated to become a better listener, ask your friend to call you out when you're doing these habits.

Cooper teaches communication studies at the University of South Carolina in Beaufort. When she notices her students aren't listening, she tells them to "SOLER up:" Squarely face the speaker; Open up your posture by uncrossing the arms; Lean toward the speaker; Make eye contact; Be relaxed.

Just like how good waiters repeat your order back to you, good listeners restate what they're hearing. While this repetition isn't necessary or efficient for every interaction ("I'm hearing that you think it's sunny out"), it's a useful tool for conversations in which messages could be mixed: "I'm hearing that you're upset I didn't go to your party," or "I'm hearing profits are up 4 percent, and you seem hopeful they'll continue rising."

Realize when you're not listening and fix it.

No one is a perfect listener. If you find your attention has drifted and you weren't actively listening, be honest with whoever is talking. Communicate that yes, you're interested, but that you got a bit off track, so please repeat that last part.

Taken from Huffington Post By Laura McMullen for U.S. News

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Sunday, November 2, 2014


Well that went quick!!!  It's now officially November and I've just jumped into my "busy" season!  So I am just going to post some pics of what is going on this month.  Enjoy :)

November - Scent of the Month Video - "Very Snowy Spruce"

Perfect with the Warmer of the Month - "Cardinal" - A classic sign of winter, this lovely and graceful red Cardinal will bring cheer to your home throughout the holiday season and beyond.  You'll want to display the one-piece element warmer long after the last snow!

Other promotions this month include:

*LIMITED edition*
 *each one is numbered*
ONLY 25,000

 Bring Back My Bar Promo available only in Autum Blaze Maple, Cedar Cider, Christmas Cottage, Cider Mill, Crumb Top, Eskimo Kiss, Everything Nice, Pumpkin Roll, Salted Caramel Cupcake & Winter Pine.

What's the difference between a Brick and a Bar?
A Brick has about 6 bars.  It is  much bigger.  Perfect if you have a scent that you love :)  And there is a huge cost savings!

And YES Christmas is around the corner!!!  November is my busiest time as everyone is booking parties.  It's a great way to check off your shopping list!  Host a party, earn awesome rewards!  Free Scentsy!  Makes gift giving so much more fun! Everyone loves to party for the holidays!  Why not make it a Scentsational party!

Scentsy makes unique gifts for everyone on your list!

TUCKER is available November 10th!!! 

All items are available on my website

If you are local to me you can contact me to place your order and I will deliver it to you. 
I also offer free gift wrapping for holiday gift shopping ease.

*Are you looking for a gift for someone but dont' know where to start? let me help you!*

 Christmas is coming, give a big cheer,
I’m a Scentsy Consultant, I’ll help you this year.
We’ve got Scent packs, Scent Circles, and Scent bars galore,
And warmers and lotions and Buddies and MORE.
So take a small sample, and a business card too,
I’ll help you this season, and all the year through.

Contact me today

I just made these wonderful samples!  Let me know if you would like one! 

Happy November! 

Saturday, October 11, 2014

October with Scentsy

Welcome Fall!!!  And welcome the new Scent of the Month "Very Peary Pumpkin".  This scent is so popular it's already selling fast!!

Don't forget that October is also "Breast Cancer Awareness" month.  And the Scentsy Charity warmer is all about giving.

You can host your own PINK party today!!  We all have been affected in one way or another by Breast Cancer.  Show your support of PINK today!  

As we all know October also brings Halloween!  We love this day in our house!  It's so much fun!  And Scentsy has some pretty cool new warmers!  I especially love "Bonehead".  He's perfect and spooky and will be making an appearance in my window this Halloween!

Check out the other Halloween warmers HERE

YAY! Velata is announcing some huge things in the upcoming month.  We are going to be doing CREPES soon!!  how yum is that??

In the meantime check out this Halloween recipe!

YES! I know it's only OCTOBER!  but Christmas is just around the corner.  Traditionally Scentsy Christmas warmers get sold out FAST.  It's never too late to plan a holiday shopping party!  You and your friends can get your holiday shopping done early!  And its the best time book a party!  Your friends are shopping and you get the rewards!!  Why not use those rewards to cross a few names off your list??

Checkout the cute new Christmas warmers!  I am getting a few for myself!!! Everyone knows how much Matt loves Christmas!!  Whats not to love when Scentsy has these awesome festive warmers! 


Sunday, September 21, 2014

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Where did August go???

Holy crap where did the time go?  August came and went like a whirlwind!  I would think that summer is over except the kids are still not back in school!  What is up with that?  Come on people its very disappointing to see that the government and the teachers cannot settle this?  Aren't they the grown ups?  Anyhoooooo that's a different story for another time.

We had a hugely success "Rescue A Boxer" (RAB) Pub Night again!  thank you to all our volunteers who work so hard to put it together.  Not only do these wonderful people bust their butts all year round for our beloved rescue they do double time come prepping for Pub Night.  Although ticket sales and donations came later this year and started off slow, we ended up selling out at the last minute!  We raised over $14,000 for all the Boxers in need!  That was huge people!!  It was so much fun and such a good time.

I want to personally thank all my friends who donated to help us for this event.  I am blessed with many amazing people in my life who support my craziness for the love of the dogs.  Those of you know who you are that support me and RAB.  I am grateful for your love and friendship.  The Boxers thank you!!!

So what else were we doing in August you ask?  I must have been doing something else besides wrapping and putting together almost 80 baskets for Pub Night???

Well because Matt and I were working hard on our Scentsy business during the "Can-Do Cancun" incentive, we managed to earn a free trip to Cancun!!  I say we "Can-Did" that sucker!!! LOL

Yup I wasn't even sure if we did earn it or not.  But then I got this in my email one morning!!  It's the official word from Scentsy HQ we did it!!  We have officially earned our first incentive trip!!  It feels awesome and I still have to pinch myself when I think about it!  Our SuperStar Directors have also arranged a surprise for us!  they are taking us on a swim with the Dolphins!  WOW

The trip is absolutely FREE!!  I cannot wait!

So now we are heading into another Incentive period.  This time its a cruise or a free trip to Conventnion 2015 in Las Vegas.  I am working hard to earn that free trip!  Which do you think I will take?  Those of you who know me will have no problems answering this question!

Incentive period starts now and goes till the end of January 2015.  Anyone who joins Scentsy can earn the free trip too!!  Join with us and we will do it together!!!

September is now a new Scentsy Season!  We have the new Fall/Winter catalog!  WOW.  It really is so beautiful all the new warmers and the fresh new scents!

But something that is even more beautiful is the new Charity Warmer, "Ribbons of Hope".  This is truly a collectors item!  Not only is it a gorgeous warmer but it is a warmer that supports a cause that is so close to many of us.  The iconic pink ribbon symbolizes hope to those who have been touched by Breast Cancer.   Proceeds from "Ribbons of Hope" support Rethink Breast Cancer in Canada.  In the US proceeds go to the National Breast Cancer Foundation.

Since launching our first Charitable Cause product in March 2010, the Scentsy Family Foundation has donated nearly $3.5 million to causes that affect families - including $646,779 to breast  cancer related causes from the sale of "Love, Life, Hope" in 2010 - 2011.

Many people ask me why I love Scentsy so much?  This is why!  What is not to love about a company whose mission is to "contribute more than we take".

"Ribbons of Hope" will be available to purchase on my site at of course it will be available for only this catalog season and my bet will be that they will sell out FAST!

NOW!!! I am looking for some fun gals or guys who want to host a Scentsy party for me!!  Remember I am VERY generous with my hosts!!  Not only do you get the regular awesome Scentsy rewards you get something extra just from me!!  What's not to love about free product!!??? Christmas is around the corner!  Get a jump on your holiday shopping!!!

P.S.  I am looking for vendor events to do over the next few months.  Let me know!

Have a SCENTSational September!!!  FALL IS HERE !


Enjoy the "Scent of the Month" video "Ambrosia"

Monday, July 21, 2014

Scentsy Family Reunion 2014 - St. Louis

Oh my GOD!!  I cannot tell you how awesome this year's Reunion was.  Every year I have been to Reunion I have felt a fire and a love for this amazing company.  This was my 3rd Reunion, but this year was different. I still feel re-energized but I feel like I am absolutely high.  I sounds stupid right? Geesh what a cliche!  I have this strong desire to succeed more in my Scentsy business than I have ever felt.  Ok I admit it....I might have drank too much of the purple kool-aid?  But seriously I LOVE IT!

Not only did we have a blast, but we saw an amazing band named "Train" perform on the first night; we learnt  what "Hot Pockets" are by Jim Gaffigan and we were moved to tears by motivational speaker Kevin O'Leary.

Matt and I particularly had a very good time with our Scentsy family and even took in our first MLB game watching the Cardinals hit a home run out of the park to win the game!

St. Louis is a very cool city and full of so much history.  We met some great locals, had some wonderful meals and learnt a bit about the Mid-west!  And of course we drank some....errrr...... um a few beers!!

We love our Scentsy family and always love seeing them.  We only see them once a year but its so much fun!

Seeing and hearing about the new Scentsy products is always neat!  We learnt that the new buddy's will be Stella the Unicorn and Scout the Dragon.  HOW FUN!!!

The new "Cause" warmer will be in honor of Breast Cancer Research.  How beautiful is this?  Scentsy gives so much to the charities in their communities. 

So far this year's "Cause" Buddy, Roosevelt - raised $466,518 for the March of Dimes in the USA.  And $81,067 for the Starlight Children's Foundation in Canada.  Seriously?? how do you not love a company that is so generous?

Ok the Christmas warmers are just to die for.......  I think I see a few of these new ones in my house this Christmas!!

The free product giveaways are fun!!! We get our warmers and plug ins at home!!  That's 8 warmers and 2 plug ins!!  OMG - Where is the UPS man??!!!

Not sure why this year felt different to me.  I am not sure how to explain this new found flame inside of me.  I thought surely it will fade once I come back home to reality.  Nope.....still feeling the high.  I have gone back to work and back to the regular routine.  I have decided that I won't let anyone pee in my pool!  No thanks! Life is too short to get upset over someone else's issues. They can be control freaks, yell at me, name call and criticize me all they want.  I am happy and will continue to be happy. I choose to not let the little things bug me.  I cannot control how other people treat me. I can only control how I treat others.  I have that right. 

I feel a huge change coming our way.  I am energized and ready to work hard at my building my Scentsy business.  I am ready to work with my team and help them build their Scentsy business!  I want to succeed at this and make every one's lives as wonderful as mine is!  Shit I'm so damn  happy how can I not share this with everyone???

I am so excited and already looking forward to July 2015 when I will see my Scentsy family in Las Vegas, where I attended my very first Reunion.  We are having way too much fun!  You should join us!!

Saturday, July 5, 2014

July with Us and Scentsy

Scent of the Month - Vanilla Bean Buttercream

* THERE is no Warmer of the Month, for July.  Unfortunately all the warmers that Scentsy had made did not pass their quality assurance.  And Scentsy was not comfortable in passing this item along to their customers.  Don't worry!!  The August warmer promises to be AWESOME!

Don't forget this is the last month that we will be selling Grace Adele.  There are some really good deals on right now.

You can purchase it direct from our website at

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Scentsy Scent of the Month, June 2014 - Berries Jubilee

Available June 1st 2014

Combine it with the Warmer of the Month.



JOIN IN JUNE - LOTS of Promotions & Incentives! for more information or contact for more information or email

GRACE ADELE being discontinued

It was a shock to everyone to find out last week that the Grace Adele line will be discontinued after July 31st, it will no longer be part of the Scentsy family.

The announcement came direct by video from Heidi & Orville Thompson.

Heidi and Orville wanted to personally explain the logic behind this decision, so they made the announcement via a video message on Thursday, May 22. We understand this is an emotional announcement, and our top priority is addressing your concerns.

If you have further questions after watching the video, please consult the Grace Adele Brand Announcement Frequently Asked Questions posted on the Resources tab of your Workstation. You can also contact Consultant Support (1-877-855-0617, 5 a.m.-10 p.m. MST). A dedicated team is standing by to answer your questions.

That being said ...... Grace Adele will be discounted and sales will start happening on June 11th.  Check my website often for updated specials

Currently the Orange handbags are on clearance but starting JUNE 11th there will be bigger discounts that ever.  

*Now is the time to get the Grace Adele that you've been wanting*

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Look Ma we're eating our veggies....well sort of

I've made a conscious effort to eat better.  Ok well.  Maybe I'm not giving my potato chip addiction nor my addiction to french fries. Oh and I do love eating chocolate and have a sweet tooth.

Well .... let me re-phrase that..... I've decided that I am going to make myself a smoothie for breakfast in the morning.  Seeing as I don't have a lot of time in the morning and I spend a lot of my time stuck in traffic, I thought it would be a great idea to be sitting in rush hour sipping a nice and healthy smoothie!

I used to swear by the Greens super powder when I was diligent about working out and eating healthy.  So I went and picked up a large container of Greens.  I am always trying to eat more veggies and more salads but sometimes those fries just call my name.   I think this is a good alternative :)

Here are some awesome recipes that we have tried the past couple of weeks.

Kiwi, Kale & Banana Recipe

1 ripe banana peeled
1 large orange peeled and seedless
2 cups of raw kale
2 Kiwi peeled
1 scoop of Greens
1/2 cup crushed ice
1 cup of liquid (almond milk or orange juice).

Place all ingredients into a high speed blender.  Blend till smooth. 

Yummy!!!! I prefer it with almond milk as the OJ was a bit too acidic for me. 


Banana, Avocado & Orange Juice Recipe

1 Frozen Banana
1 Avocado
1 cup fresh spinach
2 cups Orange Juice
1 - 2 scoops greens

Add the frozen banana and avocado to the blender

Tear apart spinach and add in the blender

Pour orange juice and the 1-2 scoops of Greens

Blend till smooth.

This was so GOOD!!!  It was very filling but so tasty!

Saturday, May 3, 2014

MAY 2014

Is it already May??!!!  where did the time go?  holy crap.  I am excited .....  Scentsy just launched the Summer Trip Incentive and it looks like we are right on track to earn this trip.  They have made the qualification so much easier to achieve.

It's a FREE trip.  And when they say FREE they mean FREE.  Everything is .....yup you guessed it FREE!!!  lol :)  So what's the catch?  Anyone can earn this trip.  If your a Scentsy Consultant it will be fairly easy to achieve.  Contact me for more information on how you can also earn this trip.

I am also excited about this because I am hoping that my team will also earn this trip and I will be sharing Margarita's with my team on the beach!!!  Come on group!  you can do it!!!  Let's do it together!

May's Scent of the Month is "Mystery Man".  Check out the video here

The Warmer of the Month is the cute and whimsical warmer just in time for "Father's Day".
 How adorable is this???

I am booking parties for May.  So if you are thinking of having a Spring party now is the time.  You know that I always take care of my hostesses.  And I work hard to make sure you are the hostess with the mostess....rewards and free product that is!!!!  

Check out our Recipe of the Month! We use our fabulous fondue and delicious ingredients to make one-of-kind creations. Velata's as versatile as it is delectable! Recipe below: 

Servings: 10

1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil
1 tablespoon minced garlic
1/4 cup apple cider vinegar
2 tablespoons Velata Coriander Herb Artisan Rub
Salt and pepper, to taste
2 chicken breasts, boneless and sliced into 1-inch strips
1 pound fresh asparagus (ends trimmed)
2 zucchini, sliced into medallions
2 yellow squash, sliced into medallions
1 large onion (red or yellow), sliced into 1/2-inch slices
3 bell peppers (green, red, and yellow), seeded and sliced lengthwise
12 fresh button mushrooms, sliced in half
4 Roma tomatoes, cut in half lengthwise

Preheat Velata Raclette Tabletop Grill on medium-high.

In a mixing bowl, combine olive oil, garlic, vinegar, Coriander Herb Artisan Rub, salt, and pepper and whisk until well blended.

In a separate bowl with an air-tight lid, combine chicken and 1/3 cup of marinade mixture. Cover with lid and shake to coat evenly. Place in refrigerator for at least 30 minutes.

In a separate bowl with an air-tight lid, combine sliced vegetables and remaining marinade mixture. Cover with lid and shake to coat evenly. Place in refrigerator for at least 30 minutes.

Place prepared vegetables on Racelette and cook until tender and slightly charred (approximately 10-15 minutes). Reserve leftover vegetable marinade.

Place chicken on grill and cook until golden brown and juices run clear with no pink (approximately 5-7 minutes on each side). Discard leftover chicken marinade.

In a separate large bowl, combine grilled chicken, grilled vegetables, and reserved vegetable marinade. Toss until well mixed.

Serve warm or cold.

So May also means that Scentsy Convention is just around the corner.....  I'm so excited I cannot wait to see my Scentsy family again!!  ST. LOUIS!!! here we come!!!

Happy Spring everyone!!!