Saturday, November 12, 2016

2nd Annual Buddy Drive for Kids (2016)

Last year we did a Team Buddy Drive and donated 42 Buddys to Canuck Place Children's Hospice. Thanks to my amazing Scentsy Team, we made some little ones very happy!

 We have decided to continue this tradition of Scentsy Spirit and give more than we takes.   Scentsy enables us to help the communities that we live in. This year our Team Buddy Drive will be donating to Union Gospel Mission. "UGM's mission is determined to transform communities by overcoming poverty, homelessness and addiction, one life at a time" UGM is all throughout BC but we will be giving to the kids in the Downtown Eastside of Vancouver, at the Womens & Childrens Centre. Purchase a Scentsy Buddy to donate to our drive.

  •  Feel free to share and repost this. The more Buddys we get the more kids we can get the Buddys to. 

  •  Send this out to everyone you know 

Deadline to order for this drive is Nov. 16th (to allow for pickup/shipping) as all Buddy's need to make their way to UGM by December 5th.

 *Local you can have the Buddys shipped either directly to me or to yourself, we can arrange for pickup.

 *If you live outside the Vancouver area - contact me and we can make arrangements to get your Buddy donation.

 Good luck!!! Let's get as many Buddys as we can for these amazing kids whose families are struggling. They deserve to have the comfort of a Scentsy bud!!! To learn more about UGM visit their site :

If you have any questions please ask!


Friday, November 11, 2016

Unpacking our first party order of November

Watch us unpack our first party order of November.  This is just a smaller order but our hostess still got some good stuff using her hostess credits and half price rewards.

If you are interested in hosting a party or joining my team please visit

Hosting a Scentsy party is a great way to give your Holiday gifts!