Saturday, October 11, 2014

October with Scentsy

Welcome Fall!!!  And welcome the new Scent of the Month "Very Peary Pumpkin".  This scent is so popular it's already selling fast!!

Don't forget that October is also "Breast Cancer Awareness" month.  And the Scentsy Charity warmer is all about giving.

You can host your own PINK party today!!  We all have been affected in one way or another by Breast Cancer.  Show your support of PINK today!  

As we all know October also brings Halloween!  We love this day in our house!  It's so much fun!  And Scentsy has some pretty cool new warmers!  I especially love "Bonehead".  He's perfect and spooky and will be making an appearance in my window this Halloween!

Check out the other Halloween warmers HERE

YAY! Velata is announcing some huge things in the upcoming month.  We are going to be doing CREPES soon!!  how yum is that??

In the meantime check out this Halloween recipe!

YES! I know it's only OCTOBER!  but Christmas is just around the corner.  Traditionally Scentsy Christmas warmers get sold out FAST.  It's never too late to plan a holiday shopping party!  You and your friends can get your holiday shopping done early!  And its the best time book a party!  Your friends are shopping and you get the rewards!!  Why not use those rewards to cross a few names off your list??

Checkout the cute new Christmas warmers!  I am getting a few for myself!!! Everyone knows how much Matt loves Christmas!!  Whats not to love when Scentsy has these awesome festive warmers!